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5 ways to get a head start when the gyms reopen.

5 ways to get a head start when the gyms reopen.

I’m getting really proactive this week and I’m blogging some content to hopefully help other coaches and PTs at this tough time, here with a few tips on how they can prepare business for what could be yet another unprecedented and challenging period of time. These are...

7 ways to stay motivated to exercise

7 ways to stay motivated to exercise

You’ve been told the benefits of exercise a thousand times and you know what you should be doing, but it can be so easy to find excuses. ‘I’m comfortable on the sofa’, ‘My favourite TV programme is on’, or ‘It looks so cold outside’. We’ve heard them all before, so...

Why lifting is the new running for women over 40

Why lifting is the new running for women over 40

Six months ago I was having a middle-aged meltdown. Juggling too many professional projects, I wasn't sleeping properly and lacked focus during the day. I felt weak and old and emotionally fragile - anything from a broken plate to a bank statement seemed to overwhelm...

What To Eat Before And After A Workout: A Personal Trainer Explains

What To Eat Before And After A Workout: A Personal Trainer Explains

Todd McCullough (TMAC) is the founder of TMAC FITNESS and located in Santa Monica, Ca. TMAC FITNESS’s mission is to assist in creating a culture that is conscious of the body and the world in which we live. For more workouts from Todd, please check out his video...

6 Butt Exercises That Are Also Great For Your Abs

6 Butt Exercises That Are Also Great For Your Abs

It's always good to expand your vocabulary of exercises, and these ones target two of the most common areas that people want to improve – at the same time. There are six exercises as promised which will tune your abs as well as your glutes. What I like is the...

Stretching: The Truth

Stretching: The Truth

If you work out regularly, or if you're a sports-person, you probably know the importance of warming up the muscles before you start your cardio routines or your running. To avoid injury we've been told to do a lot of stretching. Well it seems this can be bad advice....

The Misunderstood Industry Who Reinvented The Retail Experience

The Misunderstood Industry Who Reinvented The Retail Experience

There is no doubting that we are all missing a little bit of retail therapy right now. Even the most conscious of consumers among us are dying to get back inside that nature-friendly cosmetics store to sniff some natural soap.  You can buy almost everything online...

7 Common Mistakes Fitness Professionals Make

7 Common Mistakes Fitness Professionals Make

Anyone who ever said personal training was an easy profession was never a personal trainer. Being a skilled fitness professional requires significant education and training, planning, communication skills, expertise with exercise technique and assessments, risk...